We are happy to introduce you to Elizabeth Leu, owner of the kids’ clothing and toy store, Fiddlesticks, in San Francisco and one of our fabulous retail partners! Elizabeth was kind enough to answer some questions about life at Fiddlesticks. Welcome, Elizabeth!
What’s the story of your store? What makes your store special?
Fiddlesticks was born a little over 6 years ago, in Hayes Valley – San Francisco. From day one we have focused on providing San Francisco with a kids’ store that was whimsical yet modern, and trendy with good urban flair. We adore what we do, we love our little customers, and we think this city is fabulous.
What’s the most unusual or funny thing to happen in your store?
Oh, there are a lot of stories and unusual happenings. Being open to the public always opens yourself to funny people and funny happenings. From strange happenings out on the street to funny kid moments… there are many to note. But I think the most noteworthy are the people who come in looking for clothing for their animals! I guess there just isn’t enough selection at the pet boutiques?
Tell us how you found Livie & Luca.
Actually, I am super proud to say that I am one of your first customers. I met Mitzi at a local trunk show in Mill Valley about 6 years ago. I was just starting my search for kids shoes and when I rounded the corner to her table I KNEW those would be an amazing fit for Fiddlesticks. However, at the time, Mitzi wasn’t selling to retailers. It took some convincing & pleading, but things changed soon after and we were first in line to swoop up a big order. It was love at first sight! And has been a beautiful relationship since.
Do your children wear Livie & Luca shoes?
Yes! In fact, that’s about all they wear. My 8 year old daughter is wearing their size 3 youth shoes. She has always loved how the leather is super soft, how there is always a style she adores, and how she can run & play day after day and never have trouble. (And as a buyer of kids shoes – that says a lot!) It’s her go to style here at Fiddlesticks. And my son… well he has loved them since the beginning. Perhaps it started as more of an obsession, particularly with the elephant shoe. It was sincerely THE ONLY SHOES he would wear. At times I had two of the same size, with the next size waiting in the wings. It was a sad day when he grew out of the elephant shoe.
What has been your favorite Livie & Luca style in the store?
For boys, hands down the Bernal shoe. We see so many little boys with chubby feet, and this shoe is time after time the answer. Easy to open wide & allows for a thicker foot. And lets not forget the style is ADORABLE. Please keep making this one!
For girls, it’s always been Pio Pio. As most know, Fiddlesticks is a fan of the bird. And what little girl doesn’t love a birdie or two on her feet. Especially now that they sparkle!
We love how Livie & Luca gives shoes life, character & keeps the kid charm in a modern style. Keep on keeping on. You have a huge fan in Fiddlesticks – both the staff and all our customers.
HEART elizabeth leu
owner of Fiddlesticks
Thank you, Elizabeth! That pile of old Elephants is just precious!
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