Interview with L&L Designer, Megan Kimber

A big hello to our new designer, Megan Kimber! She is wrapping up designing our Spring/Summer 2019 collection. We asked her a few questions so you could get to know her and all that she creates.

How did your path cross with Livie & Luca?

I have known Caroline de Baere, essentially our Jane of all trades (our Product & Sales Manager), for many years. I worked on freelance projects for her when I first moved to the Bay Area about 6 years ago.

When a new designer was needed she reached out to me and the design role at Livie & Luca seemed like a great fit.

Where did you work before?

My first position was with a footwear sourcing company designing and developing products for Skechers and Roxy. Then I did freelance design work ranging from Pediped to Walking Company, to Restoration Hardware.

The position I had just before Livie & Luca was as Head Footwear Designer/Developer for Chrome Industries, as well as working on special design projects for the Keen footwear brand.

Tell us a bit more about your design training?

I went to school for Fashion Design at Syracuse University. My first position with the sourcing company sent me to China for 6 months to learn about footwear production and development.

Since then, I have been learning by experience in the field and from the wonderful people around me.

What do you love most about Livie & Luca?

I love that I can be more creative and whimsical with my designs here than with most other brands. The team is great too!

Do you have a favorite shoe?

There are a couple of styles coming out in Fall that I’m very attached to, as they were some of my first projects here.

I feel Pio Pio is a good representation of whimsy and function and my favorite of the existing styles.

When I first discovered Livie & Luca while researching kids shoes years ago, I was first drawn to them because of the fun and imaginative designs.

Where do you usually find inspiration?

Anywhere and everywhere! I never know when something will inspire me. Anything from song lyrics, to an ancient piece of art, to the shapes on a car frame.

Inspiration is all around us. I think I am most inspired when I am traveling though. Especially in Europe. It always makes me feel refreshed and excited to create.  

What do you like to do outside of work?

I love spending time with my critters (dogs) and doing different activities with them like Agility. I also enjoy going to concerts and playing/writing music.  

What did you want to be when you were a child?

I’ve always wanted to be in the creative world. Most of my life I hoped to be a famous musician, but I guess designer will have to do. Haha!

Stay tuned for Megan's creative and inspiring designs in seasons to come!

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