Maya's Surprise Party
I’ve been on the road quite a bit these days meeting lots of you, hearing your stories and sharing some of mine. The exchange has left my heart full, my mind brimming with ideas and a desire to create as many opportunities as possible to share and connect.
One way I’d like to is through this blog. Here, I will share Livie & Luca’s inner-world and some of the stories that explain the deeper purpose of our company, so you can climb inside our minds and hearts and see how we tick and thump.
Let us begin with story #1:
When my daughter Maya turned nine years old, what she wanted most for her birthday was a surprise party. I told her it would be hard thing to pull off if she was already expecting it…But 6 months later, on her half birthday, ta da!, a master chef showed up at our house along with a group of Maya’s friends for a fabulous surprise cooking party – one of her passions. I’ll always cherish the enormous grin on her face as she and her friends wielded those chef knives!
I’m telling this story because it’s one of the fundamental ways we work at Livie & Luca: we listen, we let the ideas germinate, we concoct and finally, we surprise and delight!
In this blog series, through stories, we’re going to give you the inside scoop, so you can see how we plan our surprise parties and how we make it all come together into something magical and innovative - our joyful little soles.
First, we gather the ingredients, right? Ingredient number one: your voices.
We trust that you are experts and we must pay close attention to what you really want, need and love in order to deliver goodies that will surprise and delight you, just like I did with Maya on her half birthday.
We recognize that this type of collaboration with you is the essence of our success and a core belief that we live by. We do not design in a bubble, instead we design hand in hand with you. Thanks for being our collaborators. You surprise and delight me everyday!
P.S. My next post will be about my road trip to the South – gathering ideas and listening to our fans!
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