New Year’s Intentions

There’s something a little softer about New Year’s “intentions” rather than “resolutions”. Intentions are also created with purpose and thought, and we will do our very best to keep them. But we’re human and instead of beating ourselves up for breaking a hardened “resolution”, we can give ourselves some grace and adapt or change our intentions as we see fit throughout the year. Here are some intentions of the Livie & Luca team. 

I belong to a knitting and crochet group that donates to charities (blankets to children's hospitals, hats to homeless shelters). I've not participated before (new to crochet and soooo slow) but one of my 2020 goals is to make 10 hats to donate in the fall. 

I will continue the journey I began in earnest this year, minimizing waste, being intentional in my purchases and learning everything I can about the natural world around me. 

I would like to handle some highly impactful family transitions with grace. 

Every year for the past couple of years I pick a word to live by. Last year it was “balance”. I am leaning towards “intentional” this year. I also plan on using this question to help with long and short term planning  (credit goes to Gary Keller who wrote a book on it): “What’s the ONE THING I can do such that everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” So for example, I might ask myself, what’s the one thing I can do when I walk through the door after work today such that it will make the rest of the day easier? And the answer is to go find my husband and kids and tell them that I love them, or spend a few minutes connecting with them. Or, for my business or my health, what is the ONE thing that I can do to achieve goals such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary? 

Funny how the word “intentional” came up twice! What about you? We would be happy if you shared yours.

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