Our New Logo


Dear Solemates,

We want you to know of an exciting new change at Livie & Luca: we have updated our logo!  The caterpillar on our logo, as we well know, is a symbol of change. When we first designed our logo we were drawn to this wonderful curious creature because of its slow and purposeful metamorphosis – and because of how darn cute it is! As a company we’ve grown slowly, purposefully and transformed since our beginnings in 2005. We felt that our logo needed a small update so that it is more in tune with who we are as a business today.

Don’t worry, the caterpillar stays, she just looks more organic (think patched-together thumbprints) and has a friend. And instead of that perfect circle in the middle, we’ve used an imperfect circle, which we believe is more true to who we are. Because we, just like our caterpillar friends, are a little wacky on the edges, always evolving, and striving for something beautiful.

Mitzi & Amie



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