Simple Suede Care
We have so many suede beauties to offer this season, including the shimmering Wink bootie and the handsome Pollock artist boot. We want to make sure you don’t feel hesitant about choosing a suede boot or shoe because of its reputation for fussiness. Really, it’s a cinch to clean and so worth it.
You might not know that suede is the inner surface of the animal hide that is brushed to achieve a soft, nappy texture. The word suede comes from the French gants de Suède, which means "gloves from Sweden”, referring to delicate gloves that were imported to France. Suede has become a popular material for gloves, bags and boots because of its softness and warmth and it’s a firm favorite of our designers.
Protecting and storing suede
- Use a suede protector. These will repel precipitation and oil and protect from salt stains. Although they will look darker after the initial application, they should return to their original color once fully dry. See below!
- Store suede in a cool dark place where it can breathe and be protected from sunlight.
Sonoma Before Using Suede Protector
During Use
After Use
Cleaning Suede
Most liquid (non oil) stains:
- Soak up the liquid with a cloth or paper towel and dab the stain with a towel dampened with white vinegar. Do not over-apply vinegar!
Willow Attacked By A Crayon
After Vinegar (and toothbrush scrubbing)
Oil stains
- Blot the stain with a cloth or paper towel to remove as much of the spot as you can and then cover the stain with baking soda.
- Let the baking soda soak up the grease/oil for a few hours before buffing it clean with your suede brush.
- You can also use cornstarch in place of the baking soda.
Removing scuff marks:
- First and foremost, invest in a suede brush to remove dried debris. You can also buff your suede with the brush to keep it in shape.

- Use a pencil eraser or toothbrush to remove scuff marks or small stains. The sooner you try to remove the stain the better!
Cleaning muddy wet boots:
- Stuff the wet boots with paper towel or newspaper and wait for them to dry.
- Do not try to remove mud when wet.
- When boots are dry, brush off dirt with a suede brush. Simple!
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