Livie & Luca Blog

Dearest Solemates, I’d like to wish you all a most magical season, no matter the holiday you celebrate. I know that this time of year offers us a moment to pause in awe of it all if we can let...
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We have several fabulous bakers in our Emeryville offices and we wanted to share a favorite holiday cookie recipe from COO, Jane Pak, who keeps our tummies full and our hearts happy with her delectable concoctions. Jane’s Coconut Chocolate Chip...
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During this season of giving, we wanted to let you know some ways we’ve been reaching out to our community to share our time, our love and our shoes!  On a mission to surprise and delight, as always, this month...
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In the complex and beautiful work of running a small company over the years I’ve learned that when we come from a place of abundance, there is always enough to give and that approaching any situation with a spirit of...
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One of the things we love most here at Livie & Luca is spreading and awakening joy in people’s lives. Of course, we want nothing but to provide the best support for their sweet souls but inspiring you to courageously...
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