Livie & Luca Blog
Welcome to the blog and thank you for answering our questions! How did you get where you are today? ‬‬‬ Dutch fashion house Oilily has been a hallmark of creativity in the cupboard of women and children since 1963. Virtuoso use of color, cultural influences, playful details and a certified high quality has brought […]
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REI, The Watershed Project and the Coastal Commission recently invited Livie & Luca on a tour of the San Francisco Bay by kayak, aka the Flotsom Flotilla! Earlier this month our intrepid group set out to experience the beauty of the South Richmond Shoreline and more specifically to learn about the impact of pollution […]
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Why stop now? We’re already thinking about a second playground! Last year’s playground build at Belding Garcia Park in Richmond was such a success that we’d like to do it again. Now over 1,100 kids and their families have access to the renovated park. Our new playground has brought the community together and is […]
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Meet our two CCA Design Challenge Finalists – Hao Dong, whose design was picked by Livie & Luca’s Facebook Fans and Sophie Ray Lee, whose design was selected by the L & L Design Team. If you haven’t kept up with the buzz see what it’s all about in this post: Here are interviews […]
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Here are the interviews with the top ten designers of our Design-A-Shoe Competition! Thank you all for participating! Alexis Garrett Winning Designer   Tell us a little bit about you- what makes your heart sing? My name is Alexis Garrett. I am married to my best friend Tyler, we’ve been married 10 years and […]
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