CPSIA stands for the Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act of 2008. The CPSIA allows the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) to better regulate the safety of products made and imported for sale in the U.S. CPSIA also contains regulations that are intended to make products for children under age 12 safer by requiring manufacturers and importers to show that these products do not have harmful levels of lead and phthalates.

Nothing is more important than your child's safety and Livie & Luca's factories conduct testing to meet all applicable rules, bans, regulations and standards under the CPSIA or any other Act enforced by the CPSC. 


Certificate of Compliance

CPSIA (Consumer Protection Safety Improvement Act) 2008

Products covered by the attached certificate(s): All products manufactured in China & Vietnam for the 2024 Season

Please see the links below for 2019-2023 certificates



For questions regarding CPSC/CPSIA certificates or to receive a copy of General Certificate of Compliance reports from prior years, please reach out to info@livieandluca.com.